The CBIS Graduate and Post-Doctoral Association (CBIS GPA) is an engaged group students working together to cultivate a community within the Biotech building by planning and coordinating many events throughout the year, including professional development, social and outreach events.
- To provide professional development resources
- Offering various career panels to allows students to explore all opportunities
- Engage alumni network for connections
- To be involved with the local community
- Creating outreach events targeted towards STEM awareness and education
- Hosting charity events to support local food drives
- Increase community engagement and promote interdisciplinary relationships within the building
- Hosting social events that promote communication between students
- Creating a graduate and post-doctoral support system by hosting discussions on important topics
- VP of Professional Development
- VP of Social Engagement
- VP of Outreach
Roles and Responsibilities
Ensures that all planned activities proceed accordingly. Point of contact to represent the council.
- Organize monthly meetings with the GPA
- Set agenda for meetings
- Ensure all events are being planned in an appropriate time
- Organize semesterly meetings with Director of CBIS (Dr. Vashishth)
- Present a budget for all events planned
- Connect with CBIS Administrative Coordinator (Kristen Bryk)
- Provide necessary information about events for CBIS Weekly Mailer
- Communication on behalf of the GPA
- Oversee CBIS GPA email
- Send out emails/announcements on social media platforms for events
- Work with other positions to develop annual budget for events
- Coordinate with Kristen Bryk to determine maximum spending
- Ensure event costs are maintained within the budget
- Help with event organization
- Be able to step in for any role that needs additional support
- Secure rooms/reservations and help order food
- Assist in maintaining alumni database
- Update CBIA GPA Box account
Develops professional development events for graduate and post-doctoral students
- Organize workshops that help develop skills needed for finding jobs
- Organize career panels that highlight the breadth of job opportunities available to students
- Including industry, academia, government, and alternative career paths
- Plan professional headshots (annual)
- Contact the Multimedia Services Department
- Help to organize Summer RBQ events
- Coordinate with CBIS staff to maintain CBIS LinkedIn page
- Create networking opportunities with alumni
- Coordinate with VP of Professional Development to create networking events
- Promote CBIS graduates to be recruited by companies with alumni
Plans events that promote social engagement within the CBIS community (students, faculty, and alumni). Oversee CBIS GPA website and maintain blog
- Plan welcome back events each semester (September, January)
- Encourage new student participation
- Organize various social events throughout the semester
- Ex: Game nights, apple picking, ice skating, etc.
- Can coordinate with VP of Outreach to create fundraisers for events
- Help organize the summer CBIS RBQs (May)
- Develop and maintain database of alumni from CBIS
- Connect with faculty and previous CBIS GPA members
- Coordinate with Kristen Bryk to oversee CBIS GPA website
- Ensure events are being promoted on website
- Edit and upload submitted responses to blog questions
Develops outreach activities for the local community to promote STEM awareness and education. Develops activities within RPI community to support undergraduates
- Work with local schools to develop new outreach events
- Develop age-appropriate STEM education activities
- Maintain contact with schools to create annual events
- Create and maintain mentorship program with undergraduates interested in graduate school/research
- Create info sessions about graduate school
- Develop and maintain a mentor program that connects undergraduates with graduate students
- Maintain outreach inventory (supplies located in BT3109)
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biomedical Engineering