Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility offers researchers powerful instruments to measure multiple physical characteristics of individual cells in suspension. The flow cytometry technology allows evaluation of multi-color immune-phenotyping, protein expression level, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis studies, and measures diverse cellular functions. The new technology of spectral flow cytometry cell sorting greatly increases the capacity for multi-dimensional analysis in complex cell populations.

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility director provides the user with access to instrumentation, training and technical assistance, offers information on present methods and applications as well as on dyes selection and combination for multi-color panel, and other reagents.

Contact Information:
Sergey Pryshchep, Ph.D.
Flow Cytometry Research Core Director


Cytek Aurora CS cell sorter
The Cytek Aurora CS cell sorter has three lasers (violet, blue and red) and has a large panel analyzed with 38 colors. The Aurora CS can sort up to 6 populations at one time and can also sort into different well plates. The Aurora CS provides the benefits of full spectrum profiling technology. Its optical design and unmixing algorithm provide scientists increased flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system for each application. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics provide high resolution, high content and high sensitivity.
LSRII Flow Cytometer
Multi-fluorescence cell and particle analyzer. Configured with 405-nm, 488-nm, and 633-nm lasers, the LSRII has the ability to acquire up to 10 colors. The LSR II is also equipped with a plate loader option allowing automated throughput screening from 96 or 384 well plates. 

Required Acknowledgement and Authorship

Please acknowledge the CBIS Core Facilities in all publications and grant applications where our equipment and/or personnel have facilitated the work. These acknowledgements are very important because documenting our contributions helps to ensure that the resources of the Core Facilities are sustainable.

  • Equipment: If you used Core Facility equipment, please note this in the Materials and Methods. e.g., Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out using a TA Instruments TGA-Q50 (Rensselaer CBIS Analytical Biochemistry Core Facility).
  • Personnel: Please consider including CBIS personnel as co-authors on your publications when they have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. Include CBIS Core Facility directors or staff as co-PI or co-investigators in grant applications when they provide a significant contribution to the grant proposal and scientific/intellectual leadership for the proposed work. Please follow these guidelines: ABRF Recommended Guidelines for Authorship on Manuscripts. Also, our Core Facility personnel always appreciate when they are mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of publications.
  • Required Funding Authorization Form: Rensselaer researchers must fill out the CBIS Cores Authorization Form (PDF) to use the CBIS Core Facilities.
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