Thermo Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

Obtain high confidence insights for very complex molecules with the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Eclipse™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer. It combines industry-leading versatility and usability with the exceptional performance afforded by its built-in intelligence and revolutionary Thermo Scientific™ Tribrid™ architecture to deliver an instrument designed to address the most difficult analytical challenges. This newest Tribrid platform includes Advanced Ion Management Technology (AIM+) with the new QR5 segmented quadrupole mass filter, Real-Time Search, Enhanced Vacuum Technology. Collectively, these features make this instrument uniquely suited for accurate and high-throughput full-proteome quantitation, characterization of complex mixtures of protein or small molecule-based pharmaceuticals, and deciphering higher-order protein structures. The Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid MS makes it easy to tackle these difficult analyses and collect the high-quality data required to drive the right decisions, pushing your science beyond today's discovery.

With its built-in intelligence and versatility, the Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid MS makes it easy to produce the high quality data required to drive the right decisions.

  • Exceptional precursor selectivity and sensitivity with the next generation quadrupole mass filter
  • Unmatched depth and accuracy of TMT analysis with novel Real-Time Search
  • High Mass Range MSn (HMRn) option for comprehensive analysis of native protein complexes
  • Full experimental flexibility with revolutionary instrument control
  • A wide range of optional functionalities for unprecedented versatility
  • Common user interface with Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480 and TSQ™ triple quadrupole mass spectrometers
Equipment Rates & Fees
 RPI UsersExternal NonprofitExternal IndustryExternal Industry Partners
nano-UPLC MS$71$117$234$216
 RPI UsersExternal NonprofitExternal IndustryExternal Industry Partners
Personnel Time$73$120$240$216

Valid through July 31, 2025. Rates are hourly unless specified otherwise and are subject to change without further notice.

Required Acknowledgement and Authorship

Please acknowledge the CBIS Core Facilities in all publications and grant applications where our equipment and/or personnel have facilitated the work. These acknowledgements are very important because documenting our contributions helps to ensure that the resources of the Core Facilities are sustainable.

  • Equipment: If you used Core Facility equipment, please note this in the Materials and Methods. e.g., Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out using a TA Instruments TGA-Q50 (Rensselaer CBIS Analytical Biochemistry Core Facility).
  • Personnel: Please consider including CBIS personnel as co-authors on your publications when they have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. Include CBIS Core Facility directors or staff as co-PI or co-investigators in grant applications when they provide a significant contribution to the grant proposal and scientific/intellectual leadership for the proposed work. Please follow these guidelines: ABRF Recommended Guidelines for Authorship on Manuscripts. Also, our Core Facility personnel always appreciate when they are mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of publications.
  • Required Funding Authorization Form: Rensselaer researchers must fill out the CBIS Cores Authorization Form (PDF) to use the CBIS Core Facilities.
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